ATliq is one of the seven members of the European Federation of Terminals, FETSA, which brings together the national terminal associations of Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Holland, as well as some companies from other countries where there is no national association (Sweden, Poland, Turkey).
FETSA is headquartered in Brussels and from there develops its activity in defense of the interests of the terminal sector of petroleum and chemical products in Europe. To do this, it has the Committee of Experts (ExCo) formed by the presidents of the national associations and with the Working Group of Directors and Secretaries (DS Group).
FETSA provides its members with the following services:
- Defense of your interests in the European regulations that affect the sector, obtaining information on regulations in progress, participating in working groups with other European associations with common interests, preparing documents with common positions of the association that are presented to the European Commission or other bodies.
- Analyzing common themes and developing proposals for improvement on certain topics that members consider of priority interest.
- Sharing information and queries on specific issues that may be required by any member company of a national association.
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